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Barbados Cup Postponement

The Segway Polo Club of Barbados (SPCB) has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation that is impacting the global community, and more directly, our region and country in recent days.

In light of these developments, the SPCB has today taken a decision to postpone the 2020 Segway Polo in Paradise - Barbados Cup originally scheduled for May 29 - June 3, 2020 to a date to be announced in the near future. We apologize for the disruption this may result in with previously arranged travel plans and other arrangements in preparation for this event. However, out of concern for the well-being and safety of players, their supporters, officials and the public at large, our decision to postpone the event has become necessary. Should there be a positive turn of events regarding flights and the spread of the virus, players would be more than welcome to come to Barbados to play with us. We would continue to be guided by the Barbados government and the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, and as soon it has been deemed safe to play again, we will be offering Segway Polo sessions to all players.

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